One month after that Death of the Thai king on the 13. October 2016 is the next full moon and thus the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan
The official mourning is over, but the party should not take place to the same extent as usual, as the country is still in a state of mourning, said Vannee Thaipanich, President of the Tourism Association of Koh Phangan.
Tourists should be made aware of the current situation. However, to what extent it is possible in practice to make a major event of this type “quieter than usual” remains to be seen.
Due to the Meaning of the party for the island and the many existing bookings one has decided not to cancel the event for another month. Also in December, the tourism authority expects that, as usual for New Year, the biggest party of the year takes place on Koh Phangan.
At the same time, too Loy Krathong instead of. In many places in Thailand, official events have been canceled on this occasion, but it is still allowed privately or on a small scale Festival of lights to commit.