The Full Moon Party takes place at the actual full moon on August 26, 2018 held in Haad Rin. The full moon in August will also Blueberry Moon mentioned.

How the full moon gets its name

The today in use moon names are a mix of the cultures of the Native Americans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutons, they always refer to a nature-influenced event in the agricultural cycle, around the time of the corresponding full moon around. Other names for this full moon are Sturgeon moon, Grain moon or Fruit moon, At this time of the year, the blueberries and fruits are ripe for harvest, the grain is cut and in North America sturgeon season.

Sun, moon and stars to the blueberry moon

These days are about confidence and self-responsible design. The moon in the fish stands for trust. The Sun in Virgo wants to actively create the inner and outer order. Venus square to Pluto can show the struggle for control in love. With trust, however, there is no need for control in love!

The planetary constellation to the moon also has a spiritual, creative influence. It favors the unfolding of occult skills, for example in astrology or tarot. Likewise favored are success at work, or with your calling, and the development of relationships. Also the relationship with yourself.

You can find information about other special full moons here.